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What is the Ana Lifestyle?

DISCLAIMER: Now before I start tips and tricks, you must understand that this type of lifestyle is NOT for everyone and if you have a medical conditions that could put you at risk for death by not eating a certain amount, I do not recommend this and I will not be held responsible because this is a choice you make on your own. No one is making it for you. 


Now that we have moved past that, what does pro-Ana mean? Pro-Ana is pro-anorexic, or Ana. We refer to it as a female human because she is now your best friend and she will never leave you as long as you honor and respect her. You must do everything she tells you, otherwise she will let you become fat and hideous. Now you wouldn't want that, would you? No of course not! You want your bones to show, to be beautiful, and skinny. This lifestyle consists of eating very little and working out too much. You cannot overeat and you cannot underwork-out!



Letter from Ana:

   Hello there, how are you? What was that? You feel like a fat cow!? Oh darling, no need to worry because I'm here now! Yes doll, I have come to help you out of this pit of disgust and into a new light! I am going to make you beautiful. Yes, My name is Ana and I will make everything better. I will take all of your worries away and life will be great! You will be able to walk out of your house and feel confident in whatever you are wearing. To be able to go to the pool in that new bikini and feel sexy. To be able to go shopping and fit into a size 0 jeans. To not feel like a failure to everyone. And to prove the people who called you fat wrong! You will feel weightless as you glide up the stairs, laughing with your friends that are jealous of your tiny body. Yess doll, all for a small, itty bitty fee. I wouldn't even call it a fee, more like promise. A promise to never disobey me, disrespect me, not think about me 24/7, not to tell anyone I am here, and most importantly you can never eat. I shall always be with you, give you life, give you beauty, give you popularity, to make the others jealous. 


   But don't be deceived little girl, this will NOT be easy. I told you what will happen if you follow my rules and obey me. But if you even touch a bite of food, you will be so very sorry you ever entered this earth. When those late night cravings come over you at 2:30 in the morning and you say to yourself "one bite can't hurt. Right?" Oh were your wrong. I will drag you into the bathroom and push you onto your knees over the toilet. I will force your fingers into the back of your throat and make you throw it up. Then I will throw you onto the ground and whisper into your ears "never again. Okay?" and you will say crying "never again". You will crawl back into your bed with the grumbling in your stomach and feel so much better without all of the guilt from eating that bite of peanut butter. But that's how I know you will always listen to me. Now come on doll, take my hand and promise me that. You won't regret it.


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